First Iteration

For the first iteration, I would like to make it looks traditional. What means, all the flowers I used are from Japan, same with the container. Bamboo and orchids have always been considered very elegant plants in oriental aesthetics since a long time ago. They represent a self-reliant personality. I want to feel the ancient people's understanding of flowers though the process.

Now, start to do my first iteration! First of all I need to put the flower arrange putty into the flower pot. The texture of the putty is not like the ordinary soil, but more like a fragile sponge. Because the container is not a regular geometric figure, so I first cut out the appropriate shape of the mud, and then stuffed it into the flower pot.

The gladiolus’ leaves and bamboo's brunch are the best materials for background. They are straight and sharp, like green blades. I cut them into the right length and then inserted in the back position.

I’m very fond of oncidium golden shower. Its flowers shape like little yellow angels. I only intercepted the upper part of the brunch, because those flowers are fully blossom. And I do not want the flowers part of the overall part too much. Only with more green color can bring out the beauty of yellow flowers.

I deliberately bent bamboo and leaves into a certain degree of curvature, making the overall composition does not look so boring. I am very satisfied with my first trial. In fact, this result is better than I imagined.

The final work is shown below:


  1. Hi Yujia, I love your creation. It looks very artistic and beautiful. Are there any reason why you choose to arrange the flower materials in this way? For example, did you try to follow a theme or express a meaning from your piece of art? I look forward to seeing the rest of your creative project!

    1. Good point! I already add some more information on my post.

  2. It looks beautiful! I really love your pictures, it's bright and colorful! For the reiterations, I would suggest adding why you chose the flowers, if they mean anything :)

    Great job so far!

    1. Thanks for your appreciating and the suggestions! I will think about that.

  3. Yeah it would be super interesting to know why you choose certain flowers and if there is an intention behind the composition. This is beautiful though! So interested to hear the history behind it. I never knew this was a process.

    1. Yes, people always give flowers a variety of meanings. For example, we believe that orchid temperament is noble because it is very elegant taste. I am also interested in the meaning behind these flowers.

  4. I really like the topic you choose for the project!
    I think flower arrangement is a kind of aesthetics of life. Different flowers refer different meanings. The flower you that you chose and the way you present it make me feel peaceful, also the vessel, the pot you used, very well-considered. Flowers brought me a lot of inspiration of my artwork, how about you? What is your favorite flower btw?


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